
Image of Balboa island and the harbor with duffy boats.
Skyline image of Frankfurt, Germany, at night.
gray and white modern home office
Studio for recording a podcast.
April 12-16, 2021 • Online, Everywhere

The 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK21) will be hosted fully online. The conference theme is “The impact we make: The contributions of learning analytics to learning.” LAK21 welcomes all learning analytics researchers and practitioners to join a productive dialogue around the future of learning analytics. Submission deadlines begin November 1.

From SoLAR Executive Committee

The Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) condemns the murder and treatment of Black people and communities in the U.S. and worldwide. The SoLAR Executive would like to express its commitment to increase attention, effort and actions to remove unjust treatment and racial discrimination from our activities.

June 21-25, 2021 • Online, Everywhere
LASI21 will be fully online!

We are pleased to announce LASI21, hosted by the University of British Columbia and SoLAR. We hope that you'll join us from the comfort of your home office (couch, kitchen table - whatever works!) Full program details, registration information and scholarship information will be available in January 2021!

SoLAR Spotlight Podcast & Webinar Series Launched

SoLAR is pleased to present a new podcast and webinar series! Click learn more to find our first podcast episode and our webinar!

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Learning Analytics is what we do. Community is what makes us grow.

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Why You Should Join Us at LAK and Beyond!

The Society for Learning Analytics Research is celebrating 10 years of LAK conferences in 2020! The field of Learning Analytics has grown so much in the past 10 years and this community is stronger than ever! Take a peek at why we think you should submit to LAK conferences, attend LAK or LASI, join our mailing list and better yet become a SoLAR Member! At SoLAR, our overall mission continues to be to grow the field of learning analytics globally. Join us in this mission today and we hope to see you at an event soon!

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Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)