2021 Call for Executive Committee Nominations

The 2019-2020 SoLAR Executive Committee at LAK19 in Tempe, AZ.

The SoLAR Executive Committee is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2021-2022 Executive Committee. Executive Committee members serve two year terms. Nominations are open for six member at-large positions and one student member.

If you are interested in shaping and guiding how SoLAR continues to serve the growing learning analytics community please fill out this short google form with the following information by 5:00 pm EST January 22, 2021:

  • Name
  • Institution
  • Short biography (max 200 words)
  • Interest in Learning Analytics (Research Area, etc.) & Interest in serving on the SoLAR Executive Committee (max 200 words)
  • SoLAR Working Group Interests Please let the SoLAR community know which areas within our working groups you would be interested in chairing and/or becoming a member. To review the current SoLAR Working Groups, please review: https://dev.solaresearch.org/about/governance/solar-working-groups/
  • Photo – jpg suitable for web (200×200)
  • SoLAR Membership ID number

Only those who have valid 2021 SoLAR memberships are eligible to nominate and vote for Executive Positions. To be considered as a nominee you must be a member of SoLAR by January 21, 2021; to vote in the Executive Committee election you must be a member of SoLAR by February 10, 2021. To renew or join, visit: https://dev.solaresearch.org/membership/

Election Ballots will be sent to all SoLAR Members on January 29, 2021 (EST) and will close on February 12, 2021 (EST).

Should you have any questions, please email info@solaresearch.org.