Episode Summary
AI holds enormous potential for transforming the way we teach, says education technology expert Simon Buckingham Shum, but first we need to define what kind of education system we want.
Also, the head of the UK’s new Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation warns democratic governments that they urgently need an ethics and governance framework for emerging technologies.
And Cognizant’s Bret Greenstein on when it would be unethical not to use AI.
Roger Taylor – Chair of the UK Government’s Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation
Simon Buckingham Shum – Professor of Learning Informatics, University of Technology Sydney, leader of the Connected Intelligence Centre; co-founder and former Vice-President of the Society for Learning Analytics Research
Bret Greenstein – Senior Vice President and Global head of AI and Analytics, Cognizant
Item Info
URL: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/futuretense/artificial-intelligence,-ethics-and-education/11654930Publication Date: November, 2019