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LASI14 – Introduction to Data Mining for Educational Researchers Part 2

Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014 (June 30) Workshop: Introduction to Data Mining for Educational Researchers – Part 2 of 2

LASI14 – Keynote – Phil Winne

Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014 (June 30) Keynote: Phil Winne – Learning Analytics for Learning Science When n=me

LASI14 – Panel – Learning Analytics Professionals

Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014 (June 30) Panel: Learning Analytics Professionals

LASI14 – Panel – Learning Analytics and Learning Science

Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014 (June 30) Panel: Learning Analytics and Learning Science

LASI14 – Local Update

Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014 (June 30) Local Update – Cairo, UW-Madison, Hong Kong, Madrid

LASI14 – Keynote – Tiffany Barnes

Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014 (July 2) Keynote – Tiffany Barnes – Making a difference for most of the students, most of the time

LASI14 – Panel – Privacy and Learning Analytics

Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014 (July 2) Panel: Privacy and Learning Analytics

LASI14 – Panel – Universal Design for Learning

Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014 (July 2) Panel: Universal Design for Learning

LASI14 – Panel – Learning Analytics Strategy and Policy

Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014 (July 2) Panel: Learning Analytics Strategy & Policy

Learning Analytics: Welcome to the Future of Assessment?

Buckingham Shum, S. (2014). Learning Analytics: Welcome to the Future of Assessment? Keynote address, EdMedia 2014: World Conference on Educational Media & Technology, 25 June 2014 (Tampere, Finland). Movie replay + slides. [youtube] Abstract: Education is about to experience a data tsunami from online trace data (VLEs; MOOCs; Quantified Self) integrated with conventionalContinue reading →