What is Analytics? Definition and Essential Characteristics
There is currently a growing interest in better exploiting data from various sources to help organisations to be more effective and a growing number of strategies for doing this are being developed across different industries. The term “analytics” is frequently being applied to these efforts but often without clarity as to what the word isContinue reading →
Legal, Risk and Ethical Aspects of Analytics in Higher Education
This paper in the CETIS Analytics series covers legal, ethical and related management issues surrounding analytics in the context of teaching, learning and research and their underlying business processes. It is based on current UK law, set in the context of publicly funded Further and Higher Education and their mission. With a primary focus onContinue reading →
Analytics for Learning and Teaching
A broad view is taken of analytics for Learning and Teaching applications in Higher Education. In this we discriminate between learning analytics and academic analytics: uses for learning analytics are concerned with the optimisation of learning and teaching per se, while uses of educational analytics are concerned with optimisation of activities around learning and teaching,Continue reading →
Analytics for the whole institution
The benefits afforded by the longitudinal collection and analysis of key institutional data are not new to enterprise IT managers nor to senior management more generally. Data warehousing and Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards are integral to the modern management mindset and part of the ‘enterprise IT’ architecture of many Higher Education Institutions and Further EducationContinue reading →
Analytics; what is changing and why does it matter?
This paper provides a high level overview to the CETIS Analytics Series. The series explores a number of key issues around the potential strategic advantages and insights which the increased attention on, and use of, analytics is bringing to the education sector. It is aimed primarily at managers and early adopters in Further and HigherContinue reading →
Learning Analytics: Moving from Concept to Practice
This ELI Brief describes the evolution of learning analytics (LA) over the past year, drawing on two major recent conferences devoted to the theme of learning analytics: the ELI 2012 Spring Focus Session (SFS) and the second Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference. The paper discusses the ways in which LA differs from other kinds ofContinue reading →
Learning Analytics : Envisioning a Research Discipline and a Domain of Practice
An early vision worth reading.
Penetrating the Fog: Analytics in Learning and Education
For decades, calls have been made for reform in the efficiency and quality of higher education. Now, with the Internet, mobile technologies, and open education, these calls are gaining a new level of urgency. Compounding this technological and social change, prominent investors and businesspeople are questioning the time and monetary value of higher education. Unfortunately,Continue reading →