LASI14 – Keynote Pierre Dillenbourg (June, 2014)

Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014 (June 30) Keynote – Pierre Dillenbourg Orchestration Graphs – Design for Analysis
LASI14 – Keynote – Phil Winne (June, 2014)

Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014 (June 30) Keynote: Phil Winne – Learning Analytics for Learning Science When n=me
LASI14 – Keynote – Tiffany Barnes (June, 2014)

Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014 (July 2) Keynote – Tiffany Barnes – Making a difference for most of the students, most of the time
Learning Analytics: What Could You Do With Five More Orders Magnitude of Data About Student Learning? (February, 2012)
Our education system is not preparing students for college. There is an urgent need to improve academic outcomes and equip students with critical 21st century skills. Evidence from top-performing schools shows that use of data, analysis, and feedback are our best tools for improvement. The increasing use of online software and digital devices in classroomsContinue reading →