Erik Duval Travel Scholarship

One of the main goals of SoLAR is to develop the field of learning analytics through the formation of a new generation of researchers. As such, SoLAR is constantly seeking ways to facilitate the access of early-career researchers to the events that define the learning analytics community. The most important of these initiatives is the travel scholarships named after late Professor Erik Duval, a beloved member of the learning analytics community.

Erik was a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Leuven and one of the foremost researchers in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) for more than a decade, but he was much more than that. Erik's career was spent in learning how to improve how we learn, or in Erik's words – "how to get better at getting better". This question is at the heart of any learning analytics study.

Due to his open and generous nature, Erik was really appreciated among young researchers. No matter how busy, he was always available to provide guidance and research and career advice to the most novel members of the community. Xavier Ochoa, current Vice President of SoLAR was one of the lucky PhD students to be advised by Erik. In his words – "As an advisor, Erik was like a father teaching his children how to ride a bicycle: providing 'just the right' amount of support and encouragement but letting students learn their lessons themselves and letting them become independent researchers".

Erik was an exceptional human being, one of those individuals you felt lucky to have met. His contribution to learning analytics goes beyond his research papers. He helped create and grow the community and his legacy continues to inspire us to get better in helping other people at getting better.

In his honour, and to continue his legacy, SoLAR established in 2016 the Erik Duval Travel Scholarships to assist students in attending and participating in intensive workshops at the Learning Analytics Summer Institutes (LASI). Since the inception of the scholarship program, 97 students have received some form of funding to assist them in attending the Learning Analytics Summer Institute.

SoLAR would not be able to provide these travel scholarships without our institutional members and sponsors. Thank you! By taking part in our community you are helping to continue Erik's legacy in supporting and encouraging new students in the field.

The Erik Duval Travel Scholarship Application for 2021 is now available. Please see the guidelines and instructions below.

2021 Erik Duval Travel Scholarship

The Society for Learning Analytics Research, is accepting applications for a limited number of scholarships to fund doctoral and masters students who are currently enrolled and in good standing in any program related to learning analytics and data science to attend SoLAR’s Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI), which will be a virtual event.

Given the virtual format, we are hopeful that all eligible students will receive a scholarship but since LASI has limited space available it is important to apply as soon as possible.

The online 2021 event is being hosted by the University of British Columbia and SoLAR, June 21-25, 2021. 


  • Application must be received by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, May 21, 2021.
  • Complimentary registration is contingent on the student meeting all eligibility criteria and completing the scholarship application.
  • Scholarship will be awarded on a rolling basis up until capacity is reached. 

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Applicants must be SoLAR Student members PRIOR to application submission.
  • Enrolled in a credit-bearing doctoral or masters program in a related field. Proof of Enrollment (Enrollment Verification) must be provided. 
  • Must submit a completed application by the above deadline. No late applications will be accepted and ALL application materials must be submitted within the deadline.
    • Application materials include: SoLAR Student Membership + Proof of Enrollment + Completed Application Form + Recommendation Letter; All of these application materials must be submitted by the deadline.
  • All applicants must have one recommendation on file. The recommender must send the recommendation letter by the May 21, 2021 deadline. Submission instructions below.

Submission & Application Instructions

  1. Applications and proof of enrollment should be submitted via the Google Form found here: by 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on May 21, 2021. 
  2. The letter of recommendation should be sent directly to Nicole Hoover, SoLAR Event & Management Coordinator via e-mail ( FROM the recommender by the deadline.
  3. SoLAR Student Membership is purchased and registered on the SoLAR website:


Please direct questions to Nicole Hoover, Event & Management Coordinator, at

 2021 Erik Duval Student Travel Scholarship Application - 

Below is a copy of the information that you will need to enter via the Google Form for your application and is here for your convenience and ease of reference. 

 I. Contact & Academic Information


E-mail address:

SoLAR Membership Number:             

Currently Enrolled Academic Program:

Field of Study      

Institution Name:      

Advisor and/or Program Director Name:      


II. The Learning Analytics Community and You

  1. SoLAR prides itself on providing a global learning analytics community and welcoming new students and individuals into the field and the community. Please tell us in 250 words or less how you see LASI helping you in your field of study and your future career. How will working with the community support your learning, and what do you expect to learn from attending LASI? (250 words or less)
  2. What areas of Learning Analytics interest you most? Based on the LASI21 offerings, what topics do you think will assist you in your current studies? And how does your doctoral/masters program relate to LASI and the broader SoLAR community? (250 words or less)

III. Additional information

Please include proof of enrollment with the submission of your application via the Google Form. In addition to your application, you are required to submit one letter of recommendation, preferably from your advisor or program director, and should include the following:

  •       in what capacity the recommender knows the applicant,
  •       how long they have known the applicant,
  •       how this scholarship and LASI attendance will help the applicant in the future.

The recommendation letter should be sent directly to Nicole Hoover, SoLAR Event & Management Coordinator via e-mail ( from the recommender by the deadline.

Photo of Erik Duval

In Memory
Erik Duval, 1965-2016


2021 Scholarship Guidelines Now Available!

2021 Learning Analytics Summer Institute
June 21-25, 2021
Online, Everywhere

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)