Learning Analytics Community Europe (LACE)

SIG Goals:

The overall objective of the SIG LACE is the continuation of the work done by the European project LACE (Learning Analytics Community Exchange) that resulted in a tangible and mature European community for learning analytics research. The new SIG LACE (Learning Analytics Community Europe) will continue the excellent work and has as its main objective to continue building up and maintaining the European learning analytics community. The SIG will act as fireplace and information hub for learning analytics research in Europe.
The main objective can be further operationalised in three goals:

  1. Goal: Building and strengthening the European LA community
  2. Goal: Being a point of exploitation and sustainability for European research outcomes
  3. Goal: Facilitating cross-country and cross-project knowledge transfer

SIG Organizing Committee:

  • Barbara Wasson (barbara.wasson@uib.no)
  • Alejandra Martínez Monés
  • Maren Scheffel
  • Rebecca Ferguson
  • Tobias Ley

For more information, please visit: http://www.laceproject.eu/

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)