Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI)

The Learning Analytics Summer Institute is a strategic event, co-organized by SoLAR and host institutions. In parallel, a global network of LASI-Locals run their own institutes.

The inaugural Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI) was held in 2013. At that time, LASI served as an intellectual and social springboard to accelerate the maturation of the discipline. Almost a decade later, we have seen the learning analytics field continue to expand and mature as it embraces the multi-disciplinary approach across learning and education. Although the field and the SoLAR community has grown exponentially, we strive to keep LASI to a smaller audience in support of a highly collaborative and engaging event that fosters community development and the creation of participant relationships which many times fuel future collaborations.

LASI is co-organized by SoLAR and host institutions in North America. The events attract doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, and others interested in understanding the methodologies, ways of thinking, and values behind core issues within the learning analytics community. The LASI organizing committee invites workshop and tutorial leaders to help participants learn about new methods, as well as broader issues such as LA curriculum or infrastructure. Also, there are keynote speakers invited to provide greater insight and/or the big picture perspective along with various networking opportunities throughout the event.

In addition to the North American LASI hosted by SoLAR, a global network of LASI-locals run their own events. For instance, Australian Learning Analytics Summer Institute (ALASI) is among the largest communities that host their own event every November. In the past, European learning analytics communities organized LASI-Nordic, LASI-Germany, LASI-Spain, among others. If you are interested in hosting or organizing a LASI-Local, please see our Event In-Cooperation page to view the guidelines along with the In-Cooperation request form.

The SoLAR newsletter sent to our individual members provides timely information about the dates and registration for different LASIs. Become a subscriber today to not miss out on any LASI’s that may take place around the world!

LASI21 (Online, Everywhere)

2021 Learning Analytics Summer Institute
June 21-25, 2021
Co-hosted with University of British Columbia

LASI 2021 (Online, Everywhere)

June 21-25, 2021 -- Online, Everywhere

We are pleased to announce that along with the University of British Columbia, we will host a virtual Summer Institute in June of 2021.

The organizing team is working hard behind the scenes to put together a great program with various topics and skill levels from beginner to intermediate. Each participant will have the opportunity to participate in TWO 90-minute tutorials (on two different topics) and ONE in-depth workshop which will span multiple days during the week.

Our audience is the international learning analytics community and we strive to include as many time zones as possible so please stay tuned for our schedule at a glance coming soon.

Some of the topics to be included are: Intro to LA, Text Analytics, Game Analytics, Learning Theories, Predictive Modeling, Tableau, Dashboard Design, Programming Bootcamp and more! Full workshop and tutorial details along with registration and scholarship information will be available in January 2021.

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)