LASI 18 Speakers

We are pleased to announce our LASI 2018 speakers for this year's event! We are looking forward to hearing from Dr. Ioana Literat from Teachers College, Columbia University and Dr. Ben Maddox from New York University.

Photo of Dr. Ioana Literat

Dr. Ioana Literat
Assistant Professor of Communication, Media and Learning Technologies Design
Teachers College, Columbia University

Learning from Online Spaces: Digital Approaches to Understanding Youth Participation, Creativity and Agency

Dr. Literat is Assistant Professor in the Communication, Media & Learning Technologies Design program at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her research examines creative participation in online contexts, with a particular focus on the social, educational and civic implications of online creativity. Her work has been published in the Journal of Communication, New Media & Society, Communication Theory, the International Journal of Communication, and Information, Communication & Society, among others. She received her PhD from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California.

Photo of Dr. Ben Maddox

Dr. Ben Maddox
Chief Instructional Technology Officer and Deputy Chief Information/Global Technology Officer, New York University

Finding the North Star: Establishing Institutional Infrastructure, Processes, Policies and Communication to Support a University Wide Learning Analytics Service

As Chief Instructional Technology Officer, Maddox collaborates with Deans, Faculty, students and staff across NYU Schools and Units to enable the University's global Teaching and Learning Technology mission.

Maddox approaches technology as a means of connection and a pathway to creative problem solving and instruction, recently leading the establishment of University-wide and global campus instructional design services for NYU through a distributed school-based 'virtual team'. Learning Analytics at scale across the institution is a cornerstone of NYU's evolving strategy to undergird faculty and students' teaching and learning goals.

He has served in a number of roles at NYU, including as the inaugural Chief Information Officer for NYU Abu Dhabi and Deputy Chief Information Technology Officer. Maddox holds a Bachelor's Degree from Baylor University, a Master's and Advanced Certificate degree from the Steinhardt School at NYU and a Doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania. Ben’s academic work focuses on intersections between and across technology, globalization, learning and higher education. He also holds certificates in a number of technology and management areas.

Maddox presents regularly on higher education internationalization, technology enhanced learning, and IT management and service frameworks. He works with and serves on a number of boards and organizations within and beyond the higher education arena including Educause, the nation’s largest higher education and technology not for profit; the Tandon School of Engineering Enterprise Learning Board, the Online Learning Consortium, the First Presbyterian Church of New York City, the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, and Internet 2.

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)