Handbook of Learning Analytics

Chapter 26

Handbook of Learning Analytics
First Edition

Unleashing the Transformative
Power of Learning Analytics

Linda L. Baer & Donald M. Norris


Learning analytics holds the potential to transform the way we learn, work, and live our lives. To achieve its potential, learning analytics must be clearly defined, embedded in institutional processes and practices, and incorporated into institutional student success strategies. This paper explains both the interconnected concepts of learning analytics and the organizational practices that it supports. We describe how learning analytics practices are currently being embedded in institutional systems and practices. The embedding processes include changing the dimensions of organizational culture, changing the organizational capacity and context, crafting strategies for student success, and executing change management plans for student success. These embedding processes can dramatically accelerate the improvement of student success at institutions. The paper includes some institutional success stories and instructive failures. For institutions seeking to unleash the transformative power of learning analytics, the key is an aggressive combination of leadership, active strategy, and change management.

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About this Chapter

Unleashing the Transformative Power of Learning Analytics

Book Title
Handbook of Learning Analytics

pp. 309-318




Society for Learning Analytics Research

Linda L. Baer1
Donald M. Norris2

Author Affiliations
1. Senior Fellow, Civitas Learning, USA
2. President, Strategic Initiatives, Inc., USA

Charles Lang3
George Siemens4
Alyssa Wise5
Dragan Gašević6

Editor Affiliations
3. Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
4. LINK Research Lab, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
5. Learning Analytics Research Network, New York University, USA
6. Schools of Education and Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)