Membership Benefits

Open to the General Public
Access to the Journal of Learning Analytics. Access to conference video recordings. Access to the SoLAR newsletter.

Regular Members

  • Access to the SoLAR newsletter.
  • Discount rate for the international conference LAK conference, seminars, webinars, Storms, Flares, workshops and tutorials organized by the society.
  • Early alerts to join research opportunities with vendors and analytics providers.
  • Opportunity to participate in LASI.
  • Eligibility to serve on SoLAR Executive.
  • Notification through email about the publication of videos and new journal issues.

Annual Membership Categories and Fees (12 months)

  • Individual Member (US$100)
    Benefits for Individual Members include all of the standard benefits.
  • Student Member (US$50)
    Benefits for Student Members include all of the standard benefits plus:

    • Participation in the SoLAR student community and eligibility to be nominated for the student community representative position on the Executive.
    • Eligibility for Doctoral Students to apply for scholarships to participate in the Doctoral Consortium event during the annual LAK conference.

Institutional/Organisational Members

  • All the benefits included for the Regular Members.
  • Unlimited individual memberships and all the benefits that these confer as described above.
  • Early alerts to join research opportunities with vendors and analytics providers.
  • Notification through email about the publication of videos and new journal issues.
  • 2 times a year: News brief of highlights of the leading edge of learning analytics research by SoLAR researchers in May and November.
  • Expedited approval for event support by SoLAR.
  • Round table with members of SoLAR executive at the International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge for input on Society activities and future trends updates.
  • Information about possible consulting engagements with experts in the area of Learning analytics (upon request).
  • Priority access to 50% of student scholarships to attend LASI.

Annual Membership Categories and Fees (Jan to Dec)

  • Institutional University Member (US$3,000).
Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)